Saturday, December 24, 2011


Merry Christmas, I hope Santa was good to you.


Thursday, December 22, 2011

Jingle Bells - It's Present Time!

Christmas in only 2 days away, and if you are anything like me you still haven't finished getting all your presents in order.
So here are some last minute gift ideas.


Book: 'Handwritten Notes To My Mother'
This is a cute little book i picked at at Lily&Sapphire.
It is full of these beautiful little notes that will melt any mother heart.

Fragrance: BLV Pour Homme by Bvlgari
With the main note being ginger with a underlying woody scent BLV will suit any man. And lets face it some dads need alot of help in the fragrance department. 

Brother Bear:
Apparel: SEQS Shirt 
SEQS is a company that makes organic, individualized, handcrafted shirts and jeans.
With a wide range of cuts, styles are prints there is something to suit everyone. 

SEQS Summer 2011/12


Anything from the MOR collection.
Candles, Perfume, Body Butter, Lip Balm well basically anything that smells good they have it. 
No matter what you pick you can't go wrong. 

Please note these are just ideas, I hope they helped!


Friday, December 9, 2011

Healthy Hair, Yes Please

If you are like me and are always struggling to keep your hair looking healthy try these tips.
I have tried a few and they seem to work pretty well and best of all they will cost you nothing!

1. Don’t wash your hair everyday – If you wash your hair everyday it strips it of natural oils, this will leave your hair dry and prone to breaking.

2. At the end of your shower rinse your hair in cool water – This will help seal the hair follicle, locking in proteins and will help prevent split ends.

3. Only Condition your ends – if you put too much conditioner on your scalp it can cause a build-up of oil on your scalp, yuck. (unless you have really really dry hair)

4. Brush or Comb your hair every 1-2days – This will help distribute the oil from your scalp to your tips, creating stronger, glossy looking hair.

5. DON’T brush your hair when it is wet – This can ‘stretch’ the hair, causing it to become more prone to breaking.

Ps. Try this DIY hair mask for really damaged hair, i will revitalize your hair and leave it feeling soft and silky

1 ripe avocado
1/2 cup coconut milk
3 teaspoon olive oil

  1. Mash avocado into a paste
  2. Add the coconut milk and olive oil, stirring until combine
  3. Warm up your mask on the stove or microwave (ONLY UNTIL WARM)
  4. Apply the mask from roots to ends, massaging it into your scalp.
  5. Leave on for at least thirty minutes or as long as you can, and then wash your hair.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Devine Doors

Just look how beautiful these doors are.
Imagine having these to greet you everyday after work.


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