Thursday, January 26, 2012

Dreamy Draped Beds

Holy, I would love anyone of these beds, the are just look so cozy!

Images Collected from various blogs and websites, Image collaborated by me.

I know technically the bottom left is not a 'bed', but a day bed is just as good!


Monday, January 9, 2012

Beautiful Tragedy - Domestic Bliss

I just love this photoshoot in W magazine of Angelina and Brad
The Photographer, Steven Klein, has done an amazing job capturing the mood of each moment being portrayed.

Images from Wmagazine

A beautiful tragedy if I have ever seen one.
CLICK HERE to see the rest of the shoot and the story behind it. 


Sunday, January 8, 2012

Simply Wise

Dear 16 Year Old Me - It's not worth it.  

Pass this on - you might just save someones life. 


Thursday, January 5, 2012

Beautiful Beams

Images Collected From Various Blogs and Websites

Beams add character and a sense of warmth to a home.

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