Friday, July 22, 2011

Block love.

The Block on Channel Nine is one of my favorite shows right now as it combines two of my great loves, design and bad reality television. So today my friend Caleb and i filled out our application form, this was all sparked from a flat pack bed.

A few months ago Caleb and i were out for breakfast when he proclaimed that he needed a new bed, and now. He tends to describe him self as a 'now' person, for those out there who do not know or interact with these types of people, a now person is a person who gets a 'now' erge, when this happens they want something and want it now. Time, cost, and rational/logical thought are no obstacle to these 'now' people.
As i am so far from being a 'now' person i invited myself on this bed hunt to assist with time, cost and thought.

After many hours of shopping and an unfortunate miscalculation of how big a double mattress is in comparison to a Honda Odyssey we arrived back at his place (with the help of a ute) with a flatpack bed to assemble. Neither of us had ever had any construction experience so the task at hand was quite daunting.

The first half hour of construction was wasted on failed bribe attempts of Caleb's younger brothers to do the job for us, the next two on how to use the drill and the last to put the bed together.
Although we had 8 screws left over when we have finished, we felt as if we could build anything.

This lead us to believed that we could renovate a house, and today we filled out our application form for The Block 2012. Good luck to us!

 Caleb and I with the finished product and our inspiration


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